Public Fields
vector<double> continuous_JOY_input
- The input device is controlled outside
vector<int> button_JOY_input
- continuous inputs (from joystick axes)
vector<int> button_KEY_input
- discrete inputs (from joystick buttons)
Public Methods
AirDyno(Atmosphere* atm)
virtual ~AirDyno()
- An AirDyno only is an AirDyno in an Atmosphere.
inline void SetObject3D(Object3D* obj)
inline void SetObject2D(Object2D* obj)
- for 3D representation of aircraft
inline void SetCamera3D(Camera3D* cam)
- for HUD representation
inline RigidBody* getRigidBody() const
- Set companion Camera3D
void Simulate(double deltaT)
void Render()
- Compute Dynamic and Kinematic motions
virtual int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load an airdyno from a XML file
virtual int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
- Parse an airdyno node inside a XML file
inline void DrawHUD(bool b)
Protected Fields
double dt
RigidBody* rbody
- Computes the Rigid Body dynamics.
Quaternion Qphys_o3d
- Output=Position and orientation
AirDataSensor* ADSensor
- With this, geometry can be defined in any axis
Atmosphere* atmos
- To compute aerodynamic angles
Hud* HUD
- 3D stuff
bool drawHUD
Camera3D* pilot_camera
Vector3D pilot_eye
Object3D* obj3D
Protected Methods
virtual void Controls() = 0
- Pure virtual functions: To be derived to each specific AirDyno
virtual void Kinematics() = 0
- Computes all the Control actuations (mapping device inputs to kin/dyn inputs)
virtual void Engines() = 0
- Computes all the Kinematics motions before dynamic ones
virtual void Aerodynamics() = 0
- Computes the thrust/power of all engines
virtual void GroundReactions() = 0
- Computes the aerodynamic forces and moments.
virtual void Dynamics() = 0
- Computes the ground forces and moments
virtual void UpdateHUD(void)
- Pointer to a Companion 3D object for visualization
void UpdateObject3D(void)
- Set all data needed for HUD
void UpdateCamera3D(void)
- Update position and orientation of the Object3D from Rigidbody ones
virtual void Kinematics3D() = 0
- Update position and orientation of the Camera3D from current position and orientation
AirDyno(Atmosphere* atm)
virtual ~AirDyno()
- An AirDyno only is an AirDyno in an Atmosphere. If Atmosphere does not exist, it is a RigidBody.
inline void SetObject3D(Object3D* obj)
inline void SetObject2D(Object2D* obj)
- for 3D representation of aircraft
inline void SetCamera3D(Camera3D* cam)
- for HUD representation
inline RigidBody* getRigidBody() const
- Set companion Camera3D
void Simulate(double deltaT)
void Render()
- Compute Dynamic and Kinematic motions
vector<double> continuous_JOY_input
- The input device is controlled outside
vector<int> button_JOY_input
- continuous inputs (from joystick axes)
vector<int> button_KEY_input
- discrete inputs (from joystick buttons)
virtual int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load an airdyno from a XML file
virtual int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
- Parse an airdyno node inside a XML file
inline void DrawHUD(bool b)
double dt
virtual void Controls() = 0
- Pure virtual functions: To be derived to each specific AirDyno
virtual void Kinematics() = 0
- Computes all the Control actuations (mapping device inputs to kin/dyn inputs)
virtual void Engines() = 0
- Computes all the Kinematics motions before dynamic ones
virtual void Aerodynamics() = 0
- Computes the thrust/power of all engines
virtual void GroundReactions() = 0
- Computes the aerodynamic forces and moments.
virtual void Dynamics() = 0
- Computes the ground forces and moments
RigidBody* rbody
- Computes the Rigid Body dynamics.
Quaternion Qphys_o3d
- Output=Position and orientation
AirDataSensor* ADSensor
- With this, geometry can be defined in any axis
Atmosphere* atmos
- To compute aerodynamic angles
Hud* HUD
- 3D stuff
bool drawHUD
Camera3D* pilot_camera
Vector3D pilot_eye
Object3D* obj3D
virtual void UpdateHUD(void)
- Pointer to a Companion 3D object for visualization
void UpdateObject3D(void)
- Set all data needed for HUD
void UpdateCamera3D(void)
- Update position and orientation of the Object3D from Rigidbody ones
virtual void Kinematics3D() = 0
- Update position and orientation of the Camera3D from current position and orientation
- Direct child classes:
- RotorCraft
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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