Public Methods
int LoadFile(char* filename)
- This function automatically detects if it is a wav or ogg file
inline ALuint GetALBuffer() const
void SetALBuffer(ALuint b)
void SetFilename(char* f)
inline void Reset()
Private Fields
ALuint buffer
char* file_name
vorbisLoader* alutLoadVorbisp
Private Methods
int LoadWAV(char* filename)
int LoadOGG(char* filename)
int LoadFile(char* filename)
- This function automatically detects if it is a wav or ogg file
inline ALuint GetALBuffer() const
void SetALBuffer(ALuint b)
void SetFilename(char* f)
inline void Reset()
ALuint buffer
char* file_name
vorbisLoader* alutLoadVorbisp
int LoadWAV(char* filename)
int LoadOGG(char* filename)
- This class has no child classes.
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