Public Fields
vector<Line2D> line2d
- Proper geometry variables
vector<Lines2D> lines2d
vector<Circle2D> circle2d
vector<Object2D> objects
vector<Text2D> text2d
- hierarchy
vector<ClipPlane2D> clipplanes
Public Methods
Object2D(FontManager* f)
- Constructors / Destructors
virtual ~Object2D()
- Object2D();
inline void setName(const string &n)
- Other public methods
inline string getName(void) const
inline void SetPosition(const Vector2D &p)
- Position/Orientation functions
inline void SetPivot(const Vector2D &p)
void SetColor(double r, double g, double b, double a)
inline void SetRotation(double a)
inline void SetPositionAndRotation(const Vector2D &p, double a)
inline void SetFontManager(FontManager* f)
void GetOpenGLTransformationMatrix(double* matrix) const
- OpenGL related functions
void glDraw(void)
void glPosAndRotateObject(void)
inline unsigned int getNumLine2D(void)
- Geometry objects/Methods
inline void addLine2D(const Line2D &l)
inline void addLine2D()
inline unsigned int getNumLines2D(void)
inline void addLines2D(const Lines2D &l)
inline void addLines2D()
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load an object from a XML file
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void Out(void)
void SetViewable(bool b)
Private Fields
string name
Vector2D Position
- Position/Orientation
Vector2D Pivot
double RotationAngle
- Pivot: Vector desde el origen del modelo (Posicion) hasta el punto de pivote
float color[4]
FontManager* fontmanager
bool viewable
- Reference to a generic fontmanager of View2D needed to draw text
Private Methods
void addCipPlane()
Object2D(FontManager* f)
- Constructors / Destructors
virtual ~Object2D()
- Object2D();
inline void setName(const string &n)
- Other public methods
inline string getName(void) const
inline void SetPosition(const Vector2D &p)
- Position/Orientation functions
inline void SetPivot(const Vector2D &p)
void SetColor(double r, double g, double b, double a)
inline void SetRotation(double a)
inline void SetPositionAndRotation(const Vector2D &p, double a)
inline void SetFontManager(FontManager* f)
void GetOpenGLTransformationMatrix(double* matrix) const
- OpenGL related functions
void glDraw(void)
void glPosAndRotateObject(void)
inline unsigned int getNumLine2D(void)
- Geometry objects/Methods
inline void addLine2D(const Line2D &l)
inline void addLine2D()
inline unsigned int getNumLines2D(void)
inline void addLines2D(const Lines2D &l)
inline void addLines2D()
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load an object from a XML file
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void Out(void)
vector<Line2D> line2d
- Proper geometry variables
vector<Lines2D> lines2d
vector<Circle2D> circle2d
vector<Object2D> objects
vector<Text2D> text2d
- hierarchy
vector<ClipPlane2D> clipplanes
void SetViewable(bool b)
string name
Vector2D Position
- Position/Orientation
Vector2D Pivot
double RotationAngle
- Pivot: Vector desde el origen del modelo (Posicion) hasta el punto de pivote
float color[4]
void addCipPlane()
FontManager* fontmanager
bool viewable
- Reference to a generic fontmanager of View2D needed to draw text
- This class has no child classes.
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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