Public Methods
AirDataSensor(Atmosphere* a, RigidBody* r)
void Sense(double dt)
Vector3D GetWindInPoint(const Vector3D r) const
Vector3D Body2Wind(const Vector3D& v) const
- Axis transformations
Vector3D Wind2Body(const Vector3D& v) const
- Converts a vector expressed in Body frame to Wind axes, using actual Wind Quaternion
inline double GetAlpha() const
- Converts a vector expressed in Wind frame to Body axes, using actual Wind Quaternion.
inline double GetBeta() const
inline double GetAlphaTot() const
inline double GetAlphaDot() const
inline double GetBetaDot() const
inline double GetV() const
inline double GetM() const
inline double GetQdyn() const
inline double GetEtaT() const
inline double GetH() const
void OutState()
Private Fields
Atmosphere* atmos
- Prints current Aerodynamic State to standard output
RigidBody* rbody
- reference to Atmosphere.
Quaternion Qwind
- reference to RigidBody.
double h
- Needed to convert aerodynamic forces from wind to body axes
double V
- Current altitude
double M
- Aerodynamic velocity
double qdyn
- Mach number
double eta_t
- Dynamic pressure
double alpha
- eta_t= qdyn_tail/qdyn
double beta
double alphatot
double alphadot
double betadot
AirDataSensor(Atmosphere* a, RigidBody* r)
void Sense(double dt)
Vector3D GetWindInPoint(const Vector3D r) const
Vector3D Body2Wind(const Vector3D& v) const
- Axis transformations
Vector3D Wind2Body(const Vector3D& v) const
- Converts a vector expressed in Body frame to Wind axes, using actual Wind Quaternion
inline double GetAlpha() const
- Converts a vector expressed in Wind frame to Body axes, using actual Wind Quaternion.
inline double GetBeta() const
inline double GetAlphaTot() const
inline double GetAlphaDot() const
inline double GetBetaDot() const
inline double GetV() const
inline double GetM() const
inline double GetQdyn() const
inline double GetEtaT() const
inline double GetH() const
void OutState()
Atmosphere* atmos
- Prints current Aerodynamic State to standard output
RigidBody* rbody
- reference to Atmosphere.
Quaternion Qwind
- reference to RigidBody.
double h
- Needed to convert aerodynamic forces from wind to body axes
double V
- Current altitude
double M
- Aerodynamic velocity
double qdyn
- Mach number
double eta_t
- Dynamic pressure
double alpha
- eta_t= qdyn_tail/qdyn
double beta
double alphatot
double alphadot
double betadot
- This class has no child classes.
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