class Vector3D

Public Fields

[more]double x
Public data members
[more]double y
[more]double z

Public Methods

[more]Vector3D& Zero(void)
[more] Vector3D()
Constructors / Destructors
[more] Vector3D(double X, double Y, double Z)
[more]virtual ~Vector3D()
[more]inline Vector3D& operator=(const Vector3D& other)
Operator overloads
[more]inline Vector3D operator+(const Vector3D& other) const
[more]inline Vector3D& operator+=(const Vector3D& other)
[more]inline Vector3D operator-(void) const
[more]inline Vector3D operator-(const Vector3D& other) const
[more]inline Vector3D& operator -=(const Vector3D& other)
[more]inline Vector3D operator/(const double other) const
[more]inline Vector3D& operator/=(const double other)
[more]inline Vector3D operator*(const double other) const
[more]inline Vector3D& operator*=(const double other)
[more]inline double operator *(const Vector3D& other) const
[more]inline Vector3D operator^(const Vector3D &other) const
Dot product
[more]inline Vector3D& operator^=(const Vector3D &other)
Cross product
[more]void Set(double X, double Y, double Z)
Other public methods
[more]void SetElement(int i, double val)
[more]double GetElement(int i) const
[more]double Angle(const Vector3D &v) const
[more]Vector3D NormalizeV(void) const
Angle between this vector and v(in radians)
[more]void Normalize(void)
[more]bool IsNormalized(void) const
[more]inline double Length(void) const
[more]inline double Length2(void) const
[more]void Randomize(double R)
[more]void Out(char* c) const
[more]int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
[more]string GetXMLnode(string label) const
[more]inline Vector3D& operator =(const Vector3D & other)
Igualdad vectorial
[more]inline Vector3D operator +(const Vector3D& other) const
Suma vectorial
[more]inline Vector3D& operator +=(const Vector3D & other)
Suma vectorial
[more]inline Vector3D& operator -=(const Vector3D & other)
Resta de vectores
[more]inline Vector3D operator -() const
Resta de vectores
[more]inline Vector3D operator -(const Vector3D& other) const
Resta de vectores
[more]inline Vector3D operator /(const double other) const
División del vector por un escalar
[more]inline Vector3D& operator /=(const double other)
División del vector por un escalar
[more]inline Vector3D operator *(const double other) const
Producto del vector con un escalar
[more]inline Vector3D& operator *=(const double other)
Producto del vector con un escalar
[more]inline double operator *(const Vector3D & other) const
Producto escalar
[more]inline Vector3D operator ^(const Vector3D & other) const
Producto vectorial
[more]inline Vector3D& operator ^=(const Vector3D & other)
Producto vectorial
[more]inline bool operator==(const Vector3D &other) const
[more]inline bool operator!=(const Vector3D &other) const
[more]inline double Length() const
Devuelve el módulo del vector
[more]inline double Length2() const
Devuelve el módulo del vector al cuadrado


oVector3D& Zero(void)

o Vector3D()
Constructors / Destructors

o Vector3D(double X, double Y, double Z)

ovirtual ~Vector3D()

oinline Vector3D& operator=(const Vector3D& other)
Operator overloads

oinline Vector3D operator+(const Vector3D& other) const

oinline Vector3D& operator+=(const Vector3D& other)

oinline Vector3D operator-(void) const

oinline Vector3D operator-(const Vector3D& other) const

oinline Vector3D& operator -=(const Vector3D& other)

oinline Vector3D operator/(const double other) const

oinline Vector3D& operator/=(const double other)

oinline Vector3D operator*(const double other) const

oinline Vector3D& operator*=(const double other)

oinline double operator *(const Vector3D& other) const

oinline Vector3D operator^(const Vector3D &other) const
Dot product

oinline Vector3D& operator^=(const Vector3D &other)
Cross product

ovoid Set(double X, double Y, double Z)
Other public methods

ovoid SetElement(int i, double val)

odouble GetElement(int i) const

odouble Angle(const Vector3D &v) const

oVector3D NormalizeV(void) const
Angle between this vector and v(in radians)

ovoid Normalize(void)

obool IsNormalized(void) const

oinline double Length(void) const

oinline double Length2(void) const

ovoid Randomize(double R)

ovoid Out(char* c) const

oint ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)

ostring GetXMLnode(string label) const

odouble x
Public data members

odouble y

odouble z

oinline Vector3D& operator =(const Vector3D & other)
Igualdad vectorial

oinline Vector3D operator +(const Vector3D& other) const
Suma vectorial

oinline Vector3D& operator +=(const Vector3D & other)
Suma vectorial

oinline Vector3D& operator -=(const Vector3D & other)
Resta de vectores

oinline Vector3D operator -() const
Resta de vectores

oinline Vector3D operator -(const Vector3D& other) const
Resta de vectores

oinline Vector3D operator /(const double other) const
División del vector por un escalar

oinline Vector3D& operator /=(const double other)
División del vector por un escalar

oinline Vector3D operator *(const double other) const
Producto del vector con un escalar

oinline Vector3D& operator *=(const double other)
Producto del vector con un escalar

oinline double operator *(const Vector3D & other) const
Producto escalar

oinline Vector3D operator ^(const Vector3D & other) const
Producto vectorial

oinline Vector3D& operator ^=(const Vector3D & other)
Producto vectorial

oinline bool operator==(const Vector3D &other) const

oinline bool operator!=(const Vector3D &other) const

oinline double Length() const
Devuelve el módulo del vector

oinline double Length2() const
Devuelve el módulo del vector al cuadrado

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