Public Methods
AirCraft(Atmosphere* atm)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load an aircraft from a XML file.
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void OutProperties() const
void OutState()
void Out2File(const double t)
inline void SetRealTime(const double t)
Private Fields
Vector3D Faero
- updates all sub-objects moved kinematically
Vector3D Maero
Vector3D Thrust
- Aerodynamic forces and moments.
string description
- Total Thrust (in Newtons)
double b
double S
- wing span
double c
- wing surface
double xCG
- wing chord
double delta_a
- control surface deflections
double delta_e
- ailerons
double delta_eD
- elevator
double delta_r
- elevator, differential
double delta_thrust
- rudder
double delta_LEF
- thrust command
double delta_TEF
- leading edge flap deflection
double g
- trailing edge flap deflection
double real_time
- gravity constant
vector<Engine> engines
- to store real time from World and display in HUD
vector<Value> C_values
- Aerodynamic variables:
vector<Curve> C_curves
vector<Table> C_tables
Vector2D rudder_lims
- limits: +,-
Vector2D aileron_lims
Vector2D elevator_lims
Vector2D LEF_lims
Vector2D TEF_lims
- Leading Edge Flap limits
Vector2D stabD_lims
- Trailing Edge Flap limits
fstream fileINPUTS
- files for output
fstream filelong
fstream filelat
fstream fileFM
Motion SB_mot
- forces and moments
Quaternion SB_quat
- SpeedBrake motion
double D_SB
Lag stabH_lag
- speedbrake drag
Private Methods
void Controls()
- Define pure virtual functions of AirDyno
void Kinematics()
- Computes all the Control actuations (mapping device inputs to kin/dyn inputs)
void Engines()
- Computes all the Kinematics motions before dynamic ones
void Aerodynamics()
- Computes the thrust/power of all engines
void GroundReactions()
- Computes the aerodynamic forces and moments.
void Dynamics()
- Computes the ground forces and moments
void Kinematics3D()
- Computes the Rigid Body dynamics.
void UpdateHUD(void)
- Set all data needed for HUD
Inherited from AirDyno:
Public Fields
vector<double> continuous_JOY_input
vector<int> button_JOY_input
vector<int> button_KEY_input
Public Methods
inline void SetObject3D(Object3D* obj)
inline void SetObject2D(Object2D* obj)
inline void SetCamera3D(Camera3D* cam)
inline RigidBody* getRigidBody() const
void Simulate(double deltaT)
void Render()
inline void DrawHUD(bool b)
Protected Fields
double dt
RigidBody* rbody
Quaternion Qphys_o3d
AirDataSensor* ADSensor
Atmosphere* atmos
Hud* HUD
bool drawHUD
Camera3D* pilot_camera
Vector3D pilot_eye
Object3D* obj3D
Protected Methods
void UpdateObject3D(void)
void UpdateCamera3D(void)
AirCraft(Atmosphere* atm)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load an aircraft from a XML file. (0 if OK, 1 if ERROR)
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void OutProperties() const
void OutState()
void Out2File(const double t)
inline void SetRealTime(const double t)
void Controls()
- Define pure virtual functions of AirDyno
void Kinematics()
- Computes all the Control actuations (mapping device inputs to kin/dyn inputs)
void Engines()
- Computes all the Kinematics motions before dynamic ones
void Aerodynamics()
- Computes the thrust/power of all engines
void GroundReactions()
- Computes the aerodynamic forces and moments.
void Dynamics()
- Computes the ground forces and moments
void Kinematics3D()
- Computes the Rigid Body dynamics.
Vector3D Faero
- updates all sub-objects moved kinematically
Vector3D Maero
Vector3D Thrust
- Aerodynamic forces and moments. (in body axes)
string description
- Total Thrust (in Newtons)
double b
double S
- wing span
double c
- wing surface
double xCG
- wing chord
double delta_a
- control surface deflections
double delta_e
- ailerons
double delta_eD
- elevator
double delta_r
- elevator, differential
double delta_thrust
- rudder
double delta_LEF
- thrust command
double delta_TEF
- leading edge flap deflection
double g
- trailing edge flap deflection
double real_time
- gravity constant
vector<Engine> engines
- to store real time from World and display in HUD
vector<Value> C_values
- Aerodynamic variables:
vector<Curve> C_curves
vector<Table> C_tables
Vector2D rudder_lims
- limits: +,-
Vector2D aileron_lims
Vector2D elevator_lims
Vector2D LEF_lims
Vector2D TEF_lims
- Leading Edge Flap limits
Vector2D stabD_lims
- Trailing Edge Flap limits
void UpdateHUD(void)
- Set all data needed for HUD
fstream fileINPUTS
- files for output
fstream filelong
fstream filelat
fstream fileFM
Motion SB_mot
- forces and moments
Quaternion SB_quat
- SpeedBrake motion
double D_SB
Lag stabH_lag
- speedbrake drag
- This class has no child classes.
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