class AirCraft


Public Methods

[more] AirCraft(Atmosphere* atm)
[more] ~AirCraft()
[more]int LoadXML(char* file_name)
Load an aircraft from a XML file.
[more]int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
[more]void OutProperties() const
[more]void OutState()
[more]void Out2File(const double t)
[more]inline void SetRealTime(const double t)

Private Fields

[more]Vector3D Faero
updates all sub-objects moved kinematically
[more]Vector3D Maero
[more]Vector3D Thrust
Aerodynamic forces and moments.
[more]string description
Total Thrust (in Newtons)
[more]double b
[more]double S
wing span
[more]double c
wing surface
[more]double xCG
wing chord
[more]double delta_a
control surface deflections
[more]double delta_e
[more]double delta_eD
[more]double delta_r
elevator, differential
[more]double delta_thrust
[more]double delta_LEF
thrust command
[more]double delta_TEF
leading edge flap deflection
[more]double g
trailing edge flap deflection
[more]double real_time
gravity constant
[more]vector<Engine> engines
to store real time from World and display in HUD
[more]vector<Value> C_values
Aerodynamic variables:
[more]vector<Curve> C_curves
[more]vector<Table> C_tables
[more]Vector2D rudder_lims
limits: +,-
[more]Vector2D aileron_lims
[more]Vector2D elevator_lims
[more]Vector2D LEF_lims
[more]Vector2D TEF_lims
Leading Edge Flap limits
[more]Vector2D stabD_lims
Trailing Edge Flap limits
[more]fstream fileINPUTS
files for output
[more]fstream filelong
[more]fstream filelat
[more]fstream fileFM
[more]Motion SB_mot
forces and moments
[more]Quaternion SB_quat
SpeedBrake motion
[more]double D_SB
[more]Lag stabH_lag
speedbrake drag

Private Methods

[more]void Controls()
Define pure virtual functions of AirDyno
[more]void Kinematics()
Computes all the Control actuations (mapping device inputs to kin/dyn inputs)
[more]void Engines()
Computes all the Kinematics motions before dynamic ones
[more]void Aerodynamics()
Computes the thrust/power of all engines
[more]void GroundReactions()
Computes the aerodynamic forces and moments.
[more]void Dynamics()
Computes the ground forces and moments
[more]void Kinematics3D()
Computes the Rigid Body dynamics.
[more]void UpdateHUD(void)
Set all data needed for HUD

Inherited from AirDyno:

Public Fields

ovector<double> continuous_JOY_input
ovector<int> button_JOY_input
ovector<int> button_KEY_input

Public Methods

oinline void SetObject3D(Object3D* obj)
oinline void SetObject2D(Object2D* obj)
oinline void SetCamera3D(Camera3D* cam)
oinline RigidBody* getRigidBody() const
ovoid Simulate(double deltaT)
ovoid Render()
oinline void DrawHUD(bool b)

Protected Fields

odouble dt
oRigidBody* rbody
oQuaternion Qphys_o3d
oAirDataSensor* ADSensor
oAtmosphere* atmos
oHud* HUD
obool drawHUD
oCamera3D* pilot_camera
oVector3D pilot_eye
oObject3D* obj3D

Protected Methods

ovoid UpdateObject3D(void)
ovoid UpdateCamera3D(void)


o AirCraft(Atmosphere* atm)

o ~AirCraft()

oint LoadXML(char* file_name)
Load an aircraft from a XML file. (0 if OK, 1 if ERROR)

oint ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)

ovoid OutProperties() const

ovoid OutState()

ovoid Out2File(const double t)

oinline void SetRealTime(const double t)

ovoid Controls()
Define pure virtual functions of AirDyno

ovoid Kinematics()
Computes all the Control actuations (mapping device inputs to kin/dyn inputs)

ovoid Engines()
Computes all the Kinematics motions before dynamic ones

ovoid Aerodynamics()
Computes the thrust/power of all engines

ovoid GroundReactions()
Computes the aerodynamic forces and moments.

ovoid Dynamics()
Computes the ground forces and moments

ovoid Kinematics3D()
Computes the Rigid Body dynamics.

oVector3D Faero
updates all sub-objects moved kinematically

oVector3D Maero

oVector3D Thrust
Aerodynamic forces and moments. (in body axes)

ostring description
Total Thrust (in Newtons)

odouble b

odouble S
wing span

odouble c
wing surface

odouble xCG
wing chord

odouble delta_a
control surface deflections

odouble delta_e

odouble delta_eD

odouble delta_r
elevator, differential

odouble delta_thrust

odouble delta_LEF
thrust command

odouble delta_TEF
leading edge flap deflection

odouble g
trailing edge flap deflection

odouble real_time
gravity constant

ovector<Engine> engines
to store real time from World and display in HUD

ovector<Value> C_values
Aerodynamic variables:

ovector<Curve> C_curves

ovector<Table> C_tables

oVector2D rudder_lims
limits: +,-

oVector2D aileron_lims

oVector2D elevator_lims

oVector2D LEF_lims

oVector2D TEF_lims
Leading Edge Flap limits

oVector2D stabD_lims
Trailing Edge Flap limits

ovoid UpdateHUD(void)
Set all data needed for HUD

ofstream fileINPUTS
files for output

ofstream filelong

ofstream filelat

ofstream fileFM

oMotion SB_mot
forces and moments

oQuaternion SB_quat
SpeedBrake motion

odouble D_SB

oLag stabH_lag
speedbrake drag

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