Public Fields
string name
- private:
double Height
double Width
double R
double Theta
double Psi
double Phi
double Fov
- Parameters
double NearCP
double FarCP
Vector3D Position
- ParametersV
Vector3D Target
Vector3D UpVector
Vector3D SideVector
unsigned int Motion_mode
Public Methods
- Constructors / Destructors
inline void setName(const string &name)
- void Motion(unsigned int motmode,double r,double theta,double psi);
inline string getName() const
inline unsigned int GetMotionMode(void) const
inline void SetMotionMode(unsigned int mm)
void SetParameters(double r, double theta, double psi, double phi)
inline void SetTarget(double x, double y, double z)
void SetParametersV(double fov, double nCP, double fCP)
inline void SetPosition(double x, double y, double z)
inline void setPsi(double in_psi)
inline void setTheta(double in_theta)
inline void setPhi(double in_phi)
inline void setFov(double in_fov)
inline void setNearCP(double in_nearCP)
inline void setFarCP(double in_farCP)
void CalcVectors()
void RotMotion(double dx, double dy)
void ZoomMotion(double z)
void PanMotion(double dx, double dy)
inline double getFov(void) const
inline double getNearCP(void) const
inline double getFarCP(void) const
inline void LookAt(Vector3D pos, Vector3D targ, Vector3D upv)
void glLookAt(void)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load a camera from a XML file.
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
string GetXMLnode(string label) const
- Camera3D()
- Constructors / Destructors
- ~Camera3D()
- inline void setName(const string &name)
- void Motion(unsigned int motmode,double r,double theta,double psi);
- inline string getName() const
- inline unsigned int GetMotionMode(void) const
- inline void SetMotionMode(unsigned int mm)
- void SetParameters(double r, double theta, double psi, double phi)
- inline void SetTarget(double x, double y, double z)
- void SetParametersV(double fov, double nCP, double fCP)
- inline void SetPosition(double x, double y, double z)
- inline void setPsi(double in_psi)
- inline void setTheta(double in_theta)
- inline void setPhi(double in_phi)
- inline void setFov(double in_fov)
- inline void setNearCP(double in_nearCP)
- inline void setFarCP(double in_farCP)
- void CalcVectors()
- void RotMotion(double dx, double dy)
- void ZoomMotion(double z)
- void PanMotion(double dx, double dy)
- inline double getFov(void) const
- inline double getNearCP(void) const
- inline double getFarCP(void) const
- inline void LookAt(Vector3D pos, Vector3D targ, Vector3D upv)
- void glLookAt(void)
- int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load a camera from a XML file. (0 if OK, 1 if ERROR)
- int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
- string GetXMLnode(string label) const
- string name
- private:
- double Height
- double Width
- double R
- double Theta
- double Psi
- double Phi
- double Fov
- Parameters
- double NearCP
- double FarCP
- Vector3D Position
- ParametersV
- Vector3D Target
- Vector3D UpVector
- Vector3D SideVector
- unsigned int Motion_mode
- This class has no child classes.
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