class Hud

All other data (thrust, g's, aimin reticles.

Public Methods

[more] Hud(Object2D* obj)
[more] Hud()
[more]virtual ~Hud()
[more]void SetObject2D(Object2D* obj)
[more]inline void SetEulerAngles(double psi, double theta, double phi)
get euler angles and convert to degrees internally
[more]inline void SetSpeeds(double V, double M)
[more]inline void SetH(double h)
[more]inline void SetAirAngles(double alpha, double beta)
[more]inline void SetTNtime(double thrust, double n, double time)
[more]virtual int LoadXML(char* file_name)
Load a hud from an XML file.
[more]virtual int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
Parse a hud node inside a XML file
[more]void UpdateObject2D(void)
[more]void SetViewable(bool b)
Update position/orientation/texts of the Object2D from AirDataSensor ones

Private Fields

[more]Object2D* obj2D
[more]float Psi
Euler Angles (in degrees) Given them, we can set HheadingScale, ladder and bank scale
[more]float Theta
[more]float Phi
[more]float Airspeed
Airspeed and altitude
[more]float Altitude
[more]float Mach
[more]float Thrust
[more]float N
[more]float Time
[more]float Alpha
Aerodynamic angles: input for FlightPathMarker
[more]float Beta

Private Methods

[more]void UpdateTexts()
Companion 3D object for visualization.
[more]void UpdateLadder()
[more]void UpdateHHeadingScale()
[more]void UpdateBankScale()
[more]void UpdateFlightPathMarker()


All other data (thrust, g's, aimin reticles. ) are inserted from airdyno.
o Hud(Object2D* obj)

o Hud()

ovirtual ~Hud()

ovoid SetObject2D(Object2D* obj)

oinline void SetEulerAngles(double psi, double theta, double phi)
get euler angles and convert to degrees internally

oinline void SetSpeeds(double V, double M)

oinline void SetH(double h)

oinline void SetAirAngles(double alpha, double beta)

oinline void SetTNtime(double thrust, double n, double time)

ovirtual int LoadXML(char* file_name)
Load a hud from an XML file.

ovirtual int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
Parse a hud node inside a XML file

ovoid UpdateObject2D(void)

ovoid SetViewable(bool b)
Update position/orientation/texts of the Object2D from AirDataSensor ones

oObject2D* obj2D

ovoid UpdateTexts()
Companion 3D object for visualization.

ovoid UpdateLadder()

ovoid UpdateHHeadingScale()

ovoid UpdateBankScale()

ovoid UpdateFlightPathMarker()

ofloat Psi
Euler Angles (in degrees) Given them, we can set HheadingScale, ladder and bank scale

ofloat Theta

ofloat Phi

ofloat Airspeed
Airspeed and altitude

ofloat Altitude

ofloat Mach

ofloat Thrust

ofloat N

ofloat Time

ofloat Alpha
Aerodynamic angles: input for FlightPathMarker

ofloat Beta

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