Sky Dome.
Public Methods
SkyDome(TextureManager* tm)
- Constructors / Destructors
SkyDome(TextureManager* tm, double r, int n_phi, int n_theta, double theta_s, double phi_s, double turbidity )
void CreateSkyMesh(void)
- twice or more times, the first mesh will be modified accordingly, but no more meshes are added
void Out()
int ParseXMLMiscData(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
Private Fields
double R
- Inputs
int N_phi
- radius of the Dome
int N_theta
double T
- half number of vertex in phi and theta directions.
double theta_sun
- Turbidity
double phi_sun
double Y_zenith
- Data of the model
double x_zenith
double y_zenith
double ABCDE_Y[5]
- Luminance and cromaticity coordinates: (Y,x,y)
double ABCDE_x[5]
double ABCDE_y[5]
double PerezF_Y_zenith
- Perez constants: f(T)
double PerezF_x_zenith
double PerezF_y_zenith
double PerezF1_Y_zenith
- Perez Function values in Zenith.
double V
- modified Perez Function values in Zenith.
Private Methods
void Initialize()
double PerezFunction(const double* ABCDE_i, double theta, double gamma) const
- Junge's exponent
double PerezFunction1(const double* ABCDE_i, double theta, double gamma) const
void XYZ2RGB(double Xc, double Yc, double Zc, double* red, double* green, double* blue) const
- modified Perez Function
void Yxy2XYZ(double Yc, double xc, double yc, double* X, double* Y, double* Z) const
void Yxy2RGB(double Yc, double xc, double yc, double* red, double* green, double* blue) const
void ComputeColor(double thetav, double phiv, double* red, double* green, double* blue)
inline double AngleBetween(double theta, double phi, double thetaS, double phiS) const
Public Methods
inline void setName(const string &n)
inline string getName(void) const
inline void SetPosition(double x, double y, double z)
inline void SetPivot(double x, double y, double z)
inline void SetPosition(const Vector3D &p)
inline void SetPivot(const Vector3D &p)
inline void SetOrientation(const Quaternion &o)
inline void SetPositionAndOrientation(const Vector3D &p, const Quaternion &o)
void GetOpenGLTransformationMatrix(double* matrix)
void glDraw(void)
virtual void glDrawMisc(void)
void glPosAndRotateObject(void)
void glDrawObject(void)
virtual void MakeDisplayList(void)
inline unsigned int getNumChildren(void) const
inline void addChild(unsigned int ch)
inline void setParent(unsigned int p)
inline unsigned int getParent(void)
void deleteChild(unsigned int ch)
void Outlinks(void)
inline unsigned int getNumMeshes(void)
inline void addMesh(const Mesh &m)
inline void addMesh()
inline Object3D* getObject(unsigned int i)
inline void addObject()
inline void addLine3D(const Line3D &l)
inline void addLine3D()
inline void addCircle(const Circle &c)
inline void addCircle()
void setMotionInput(double continuous_input)
void setMotionInput(int discrete_input)
void PosAndOrientRAPIDmesh(void)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
Protected Fields
string name
Vector3D Position
Vector3D Pivot
Quaternion Q
vector<Mesh> meshes
vector<Circle> circles
vector<Line3D> line3D
vector<Lines3D> lines3D
vector<Object3D*> objects
TextureManager* texturemanager
Motion motion
unsigned int parent
vector<unsigned int> children
Sky Dome. This class computes the colors of the sky dome and creates a Mesh with them.
SkyDome(TextureManager* tm)
- Constructors / Destructors
SkyDome(TextureManager* tm, double r, int n_phi, int n_theta, double theta_s, double phi_s, double turbidity )
void CreateSkyMesh(void)
- twice or more times, the first mesh will be modified accordingly, but no more meshes are added
void Out()
int ParseXMLMiscData(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
double R
- Inputs
int N_phi
- radius of the Dome
int N_theta
double T
- half number of vertex in phi and theta directions.
double theta_sun
- Turbidity
double phi_sun
void Initialize()
double Y_zenith
- Data of the model
double x_zenith
double y_zenith
double ABCDE_Y[5]
- Luminance and cromaticity coordinates: (Y,x,y)
double ABCDE_x[5]
double ABCDE_y[5]
double PerezF_Y_zenith
- Perez constants: f(T)
double PerezF_x_zenith
double PerezF_y_zenith
double PerezF1_Y_zenith
- Perez Function values in Zenith.
double V
- modified Perez Function values in Zenith.
double PerezFunction(const double* ABCDE_i, double theta, double gamma) const
- Junge's exponent
double PerezFunction1(const double* ABCDE_i, double theta, double gamma) const
void XYZ2RGB(double Xc, double Yc, double Zc, double* red, double* green, double* blue) const
- modified Perez Function
void Yxy2XYZ(double Yc, double xc, double yc, double* X, double* Y, double* Z) const
void Yxy2RGB(double Yc, double xc, double yc, double* red, double* green, double* blue) const
void ComputeColor(double thetav, double phiv, double* red, double* green, double* blue)
inline double AngleBetween(double theta, double phi, double thetaS, double phiS) const
- This class has no child classes.
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