class ClipPlane2D

Public Methods

[more] ClipPlane2D()
[more] ClipPlane2D(GLenum plane, const Vector2D &norm, const Vector2D &Point)
[more] ~ClipPlane2D()
[more]void Set(GLenum plane, const Vector2D &norm, const Vector2D &Point)
[more]void gl_ClipPlane()
[more]void gl_Enable()
computes equation of plane to use in OpenGL
[more]void gl_Disable()
creates OpenGL plane and activates it
[more]int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)

Private Fields

[more]GLenum glplane
NOTE: n and P in view coordinates
[more]Vector2D n
[more]Vector2D P
[more]GLdouble eqn[4]
[more] equation of clipping plane as it would be in OpenGL.


o ClipPlane2D()

o ClipPlane2D(GLenum plane, const Vector2D &norm, const Vector2D &Point)

o ~ClipPlane2D()

ovoid Set(GLenum plane, const Vector2D &norm, const Vector2D &Point)

ovoid gl_ClipPlane()

ovoid gl_Enable()
computes equation of plane to use in OpenGL

ovoid gl_Disable()
creates OpenGL plane and activates it

oint ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)

oGLenum glplane
NOTE: n and P in view coordinates

oVector2D n

oVector2D P

oGLdouble eqn[4]

o equation of clipping plane as it would be in OpenGL.
equation of clipping plane as it would be in OpenGL.

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