class Mesh

Public Fields

[more]string name
[more]vector<Vertex> vertices
[more]vector<FaceIJK> faces
[more]vector<Material> materials
[more]vector<Vector2D> texcoords
[more]TextureManager* texturemanager
texture coordinates
[more]int texINDEX
[more]Vector3D BBO
index of texture of texturemanager to be used
[more]double a
Bounding Box Center(~=3 axis of specified lenght)
[more]double b
[more]double c
[more]double smoothing_angle
Lenghts of bounding box sides
[more]GLuint glList
Smoothing angle.
[more]unsigned int render_method
The display list for this object
[more]bool twosided
wire/solid ******* ----->> Makedisplaylist

Public Methods

[more] Mesh(TextureManager* t)
[more] ~Mesh()
[more]void setName(string name)
[more]string getName()
[more]void addVertex(double x, double y, double z)
[more]inline void addVertex(const Vertex &v)
[more]void addFace(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3, unsigned int m)
[more]void addFace(const FaceIJK &f)
[more]void addMaterial(float r, float g, float b, float a)
[more]inline void addMaterial(const Material &m)
[more]unsigned int getNumVertices()
[more]unsigned int getNumTexCoords()
[more]unsigned int getNumFaces()
[more]unsigned int getNumMaterials()
[more]Vertex getVertex(unsigned int i)
[more]Vector2D getTexCoord(unsigned int i)
[more]void CalcFaces()
void getFace(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3);
[more]void CalcBBox()
Calculate all Face normals and baricenters
[more]void SetRenderMethod(unsigned int m)
Calculate the Bounding Box
[more]void SetAngleSmoothing(double angle)
[more]void ConvertToDoubleSided(void)
[more]void makeDisplayList()
void setMaterial(Material mat); // Set the material for this Mesh
[more]void glDraw()
makes the display list
[more]void ReadPVO(char* file_name)
[more]int LoadXML(char* file_name)
Load mesh from a PVO file-------------------
[more]int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
[more]void SetDefaultList(void)


o Mesh(TextureManager* t)

o ~Mesh()

ovoid setName(string name)

ostring getName()

ovoid addVertex(double x, double y, double z)

oinline void addVertex(const Vertex &v)

ovoid addFace(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3, unsigned int m)

ovoid addFace(const FaceIJK &f)

ovoid addMaterial(float r, float g, float b, float a)

oinline void addMaterial(const Material &m)

ounsigned int getNumVertices()

ounsigned int getNumTexCoords()

ounsigned int getNumFaces()

ounsigned int getNumMaterials()

oVertex getVertex(unsigned int i)

oVector2D getTexCoord(unsigned int i)

ovoid CalcFaces()
void getFace(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3);

ovoid CalcBBox()
Calculate all Face normals and baricenters

ovoid SetRenderMethod(unsigned int m)
Calculate the Bounding Box

ovoid SetAngleSmoothing(double angle)

ovoid ConvertToDoubleSided(void)

ovoid makeDisplayList()
void setMaterial(Material mat); Set the material for this Mesh

ovoid glDraw()
makes the display list

ovoid ReadPVO(char* file_name)

oint LoadXML(char* file_name)
Load mesh from a PVO file-------------------

oint ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)

ovoid SetDefaultList(void)

ostring name

ovector<Vertex> vertices

ovector<FaceIJK> faces

ovector<Material> materials

ovector<Vector2D> texcoords

oTextureManager* texturemanager
texture coordinates

oint texINDEX

oVector3D BBO
index of texture of texturemanager to be used

odouble a
Bounding Box Center(~=3 axis of specified lenght)

odouble b

odouble c

odouble smoothing_angle
Lenghts of bounding box sides

oGLuint glList
Smoothing angle.

ounsigned int render_method
The display list for this object

obool twosided
wire/solid ******* ----->> Makedisplaylist

This class has no child classes.

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