Public Fields
string name
- private:
vector<Vertex> vertices
vector<FaceIJK> faces
vector<Material> materials
vector<Vector2D> texcoords
TextureManager* texturemanager
- texture coordinates
int texINDEX
Vector3D BBO
- index of texture of texturemanager to be used
double a
- Bounding Box Center(~=3 axis of specified lenght)
double b
double c
double smoothing_angle
- Lenghts of bounding box sides
GLuint glList
- Smoothing angle.
unsigned int render_method
- The display list for this object
bool twosided
- wire/solid ******* ----->> Makedisplaylist
Public Methods
Mesh(TextureManager* t)
void setName(string name)
string getName()
void addVertex(double x, double y, double z)
inline void addVertex(const Vertex &v)
void addFace(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3, unsigned int m)
void addFace(const FaceIJK &f)
void addMaterial(float r, float g, float b, float a)
inline void addMaterial(const Material &m)
unsigned int getNumVertices()
unsigned int getNumTexCoords()
unsigned int getNumFaces()
unsigned int getNumMaterials()
Vertex getVertex(unsigned int i)
Vector2D getTexCoord(unsigned int i)
void CalcFaces()
- void getFace(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3);
void CalcBBox()
- Calculate all Face normals and baricenters
void SetRenderMethod(unsigned int m)
- Calculate the Bounding Box
void SetAngleSmoothing(double angle)
void ConvertToDoubleSided(void)
void makeDisplayList()
- void setMaterial(Material mat); // Set the material for this Mesh
void glDraw()
- makes the display list
void ReadPVO(char* file_name)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load mesh from a PVO file-------------------
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void SetDefaultList(void)
- -------------------
Mesh(TextureManager* t)
void setName(string name)
string getName()
void addVertex(double x, double y, double z)
inline void addVertex(const Vertex &v)
void addFace(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3, unsigned int m)
void addFace(const FaceIJK &f)
void addMaterial(float r, float g, float b, float a)
inline void addMaterial(const Material &m)
unsigned int getNumVertices()
unsigned int getNumTexCoords()
unsigned int getNumFaces()
unsigned int getNumMaterials()
Vertex getVertex(unsigned int i)
Vector2D getTexCoord(unsigned int i)
void CalcFaces()
- void getFace(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3);
void CalcBBox()
- Calculate all Face normals and baricenters
void SetRenderMethod(unsigned int m)
- Calculate the Bounding Box
void SetAngleSmoothing(double angle)
void ConvertToDoubleSided(void)
void makeDisplayList()
- void setMaterial(Material mat); Set the material for this Mesh
void glDraw()
- makes the display list
void ReadPVO(char* file_name)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load mesh from a PVO file-------------------
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void SetDefaultList(void)
- -------------------
string name
- private:
vector<Vertex> vertices
vector<FaceIJK> faces
vector<Material> materials
vector<Vector2D> texcoords
TextureManager* texturemanager
- texture coordinates
int texINDEX
Vector3D BBO
- index of texture of texturemanager to be used
double a
- Bounding Box Center(~=3 axis of specified lenght)
double b
double c
double smoothing_angle
- Lenghts of bounding box sides
GLuint glList
- Smoothing angle.
unsigned int render_method
- The display list for this object
bool twosided
- wire/solid ******* ----->> Makedisplaylist
- This class has no child classes.
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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