Public Methods
void SetColor(double r, double g, double b, double a)
void Set(const Vector3D& from, const Vector3D& to)
inline void SetFrom(const Vector3D& from)
inline void SetTo(const Vector3D& to)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load a line from a XML file.
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void glDraw()
Private Fields
Vector3D From
Vector3D To
float width
float color[4]
void SetColor(double r, double g, double b, double a)
void Set(const Vector3D& from, const Vector3D& to)
inline void SetFrom(const Vector3D& from)
inline void SetTo(const Vector3D& to)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load a line from a XML file. (0 if OK, 1 if ERROR)
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void glDraw()
Vector3D From
Vector3D To
float width
float color[4]
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