Public Fields
View2D view2D
Public Methods
inline void setName(const string &n)
inline string getName(void) const
void addLight()
- void addObject();
void setClearColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
- void addCamera();
double* getClearColor(void)
unsigned int getNumObjects()
unsigned int getNumLights()
unsigned int getNumCameras()
inline void setActiveCamera(unsigned int ac)
inline unsigned int getActiveCamera_i()
inline Camera3D* getActiveCamera()
Object3D* getObject(unsigned int i)
Light* getLight(unsigned int i)
Camera3D* getCamera(unsigned int i)
void glInit()
void glDrawWorldAxis()
void glDraw()
void glDrawAll(void)
void glDraw2D(void)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load an Scene from a XML file
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void MakeLightsDisplayList(void)
void MakeObjectsDisplayList(void)
void MakeTextures()
void SetViewSizes(int w, int h)
Private Fields
string name
vector<Object3D*> objects
vector<Light> lights
vector<Camera3D> cameras
unsigned int active_camera
TextureManager* texturemanager
int showlights
double clearColor[4]
- unsigned int selectArray[BUFSIZE][2]; // Array to identify objects when selecting
GLuint glList
- Clear Color
inline void setName(const string &n)
inline string getName(void) const
void addLight()
- void addObject();
void setClearColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
- void addCamera();
double* getClearColor(void)
unsigned int getNumObjects()
unsigned int getNumLights()
unsigned int getNumCameras()
inline void setActiveCamera(unsigned int ac)
inline unsigned int getActiveCamera_i()
inline Camera3D* getActiveCamera()
Object3D* getObject(unsigned int i)
Light* getLight(unsigned int i)
Camera3D* getCamera(unsigned int i)
void glInit()
void glDrawWorldAxis()
void glDraw()
void glDrawAll(void)
void glDraw2D(void)
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- Load an Scene from a XML file
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void MakeLightsDisplayList(void)
void MakeObjectsDisplayList(void)
void MakeTextures()
void SetViewSizes(int w, int h)
View2D view2D
string name
vector<Object3D*> objects
vector<Light> lights
vector<Camera3D> cameras
unsigned int active_camera
TextureManager* texturemanager
int showlights
double clearColor[4]
- unsigned int selectArray[BUFSIZE][2]; Array to identify objects when selecting
GLuint glList
- Clear Color
- This class has no child classes.
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