class Text2D

Class to draw text with OpenGL and MY PNG font renderer

Public Methods

[more] Text2D()
Constructors / Destructors
[more] ~Text2D()
[more]inline void setName(const string &n)
[more]inline string getName() const
[more]inline void SetPosition(double x, double y)
[more]inline void SetScale(double x, double y)
[more]inline void SetLabel(const string &l)
[more]void glPosScal()
[more]inline string getLabel() const
Position and scale in OpenGL environment
[more]inline int getAnchorPoint() const
[more]int LoadXML(char* file_name)
[more]int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
[more]void Out(char* c) const

Private Fields

[more]string textname
[more]string Label
[more]Vector2D Position
string to draw
[more]Vector2D Scale
[more]int anchorpoint


Class to draw text with OpenGL and MY PNG font renderer
o Text2D()
Constructors / Destructors

o ~Text2D()

oinline void setName(const string &n)

oinline string getName() const

oinline void SetPosition(double x, double y)

oinline void SetScale(double x, double y)

oinline void SetLabel(const string &l)

ovoid glPosScal()

oinline string getLabel() const
Position and scale in OpenGL environment

oinline int getAnchorPoint() const

oint LoadXML(char* file_name)

oint ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)

ovoid Out(char* c) const

ostring textname

ostring Label

oVector2D Position
string to draw

oVector2D Scale

oint anchorpoint

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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