The amortiguator has a maximum lenght
Public Methods
Amortiguator(Vector3D pos, Vector3D dir, double l0, double lmax, double k, double f, double x)
void setPosition(Vector3D p)
void setDirection(Vector3D d)
void setK(double k)
void setF(double f)
void setL0(double l0)
void setLmax(double lmax)
void setX(double x)
void setDxDt(double v)
void setForce(double x, double y, double z)
void setMoment(double x, double y, double z)
void setXtoLmax(void)
void ComputeForces(double delta, double dt)
Private Fields
double x
- void ComputeRT(void); żżżż???????
double dxdt
- current lenght
double L0
- v=dx/dt
double Lmax
- Natural lenght (Force(L0)=0)
double F
- Maximum lenght
double K
- Damping force coefficient
Vector3D Position
- Spring force coefficient
Vector3D Direction
- Position of amortiguator respect to parent RigidBody
Vector3D Force
- Orientation of amortiguator respect to parent RigidBody
Vector3D Moment
- Force applied at the end
The amortiguator has a maximum lenght
Amortiguator(Vector3D pos, Vector3D dir, double l0, double lmax, double k, double f, double x)
void setPosition(Vector3D p)
void setDirection(Vector3D d)
void setK(double k)
void setF(double f)
void setL0(double l0)
void setLmax(double lmax)
void setX(double x)
void setDxDt(double v)
void setForce(double x, double y, double z)
void setMoment(double x, double y, double z)
void setXtoLmax(void)
void ComputeForces(double delta, double dt)
double x
void ComputeRT(void); żżżż???????
void ComputeContact(void);
void ComputeForces(void);
Vector3D IntersectionLine-Plane(); / To implement.
double dxdt
- current lenght
double L0
- v=dx/dt
double Lmax
- Natural lenght (Force(L0)=0)
double F
- Maximum lenght
double K
- Damping force coefficient
Vector3D Position
- Spring force coefficient
Vector3D Direction
- Position of amortiguator respect to parent RigidBody
Vector3D Force
- Orientation of amortiguator respect to parent RigidBody
Vector3D Moment
- Force applied at the end
- This class has no child classes.
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