struct box
double pR[3][3]
- parent to box space: x_b = pRT()*(x_m - pT)
double pT[3]
double d[3]
- dimensions
box* P
- half the measure of a side length
box* N
- points to but does not "own".
tri* trp
int leaf()
double size()
int split_recurse(int* t, int n)
int split_recurse(int* t)
specialized for leaf nodes
double pR[3][3]
- parent to box space: x_b = pRT()*(x_m - pT)
double pT[3]
double d[3]
- dimensions
box* P
- half the measure of a side length
box* N
- points to but does not "own".
tri* trp
int leaf()
double size()
int split_recurse(int* t, int n)
int split_recurse(int* t)
specialized for leaf nodes
- specialized for leaf nodes
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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