Public Methods
Wheel(Vector3D pos, Vector3D axis, double r, double f, double k)
void setPosition(const Vector3D p)
void setAxis(const Vector3D d)
Vector3D getAxis()
Vector3D getPosition()
void setR(const double r)
void setK(const double k)
void setF(const double f)
void setZofPlane(const double z)
void ComputeContact(const Vector3D &pos, const Vector3D &axis)
- at first, only collision with a plane z=cte (but default, z=0, but can be changued)
Vector3D getContactPoint(void) const
Vector3D ComputeForces(const double dt)
- Returns the contact point in Global axes.
Private Fields
Vector3D Position
- Position and axis respect to parent object
Vector3D Axis
Vector3D Velocity
double omega
- Velocity of the center (in global axes)
double R
- rotational velocity (1/seg)
double r_c
- nominal radius
double r_c0
double F
- radius of contact
double K
double Z_p
Vector3D PosContact
- Z of plane z=cte
int contact
Wheel(Vector3D pos, Vector3D axis, double r, double f, double k)
void setPosition(const Vector3D p)
void setAxis(const Vector3D d)
Vector3D getAxis()
Vector3D getPosition()
void setR(const double r)
void setK(const double k)
void setF(const double f)
void setZofPlane(const double z)
void ComputeContact(const Vector3D &pos, const Vector3D &axis)
- at first, only collision with a plane z=cte (but default, z=0, but can be changued)
Vector3D getContactPoint(void) const
Vector3D ComputeForces(const double dt)
- Returns the contact point in Global axes.
Vector3D Position
- Position and axis respect to parent object
Vector3D Axis
Vector3D Velocity
double omega
- Velocity of the center (in global axes)
double R
- rotational velocity (1/seg)
double r_c
- nominal radius
double r_c0
double F
- radius of contact
double K
double Z_p
Vector3D PosContact
- Z of plane z=cte
int contact
- This class has no child classes.
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