Public Methods
- Constructors / Destructors
void setName(const string &name)
string getName()
bool Evaluate(float t, float* fout)
Vector2D EvaluateBezierS(float s)
- return Y in fout given X (=t).
float BezierGetYfromX(float x)
- s is the lenght arc patameter (basically inside [0,1])
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- given x, return y from a bezier curve
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void Out(char* c) const
Private Fields
string name
int type
float from
- 2:bezier
float to
float constant
- constant variables
float f0
- line variables: y=y0+m(t-t0)
float m
float t0
Vector2D knot0
- bezier variables
Vector2D knot1
Vector2D knot2
Vector2D knot3
double x_match
BNewton BN
Private Methods
double xs(double s)
- x to match in y(x) bezier extraction
double dxds(double s)
double fx(double x, Function01 &c)
double dfdx(double x, Function01 &c)
- Constructors / Destructors
void setName(const string &name)
string getName()
bool Evaluate(float t, float* fout)
Vector2D EvaluateBezierS(float s)
- return Y in fout given X (=t). WARNING t is X not s in this function.
float BezierGetYfromX(float x)
- s is the lenght arc patameter (basically inside [0,1])
int LoadXML(char* file_name)
- given x, return y from a bezier curve
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
void Out(char* c) const
string name
int type
float from
- 2:bezier
float to
float constant
- constant variables
float f0
- line variables: y=y0+m(t-t0)
float m
float t0
Vector2D knot0
- bezier variables
Vector2D knot1
Vector2D knot2
Vector2D knot3
double x_match
double xs(double s)
- x to match in y(x) bezier extraction
double dxds(double s)
double fx(double x, Function01 &c)
double dfdx(double x, Function01 &c)
BNewton BN
- This class has no child classes.
- Friends:
- class BNewton : public Newton<Function01>
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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