template<class A> class Integrator
the d(state)/dt from an external class
Public Methods
virtual ~Integrator()
void SetMethod(int m)
void SetOversampling(int o)
void Setdt(double h)
void MakeIntegration(double dt, VectorND& y, A &x)
Protected Methods
virtual VectorND dydt(double t, VectorND y, A &)
- If it is not derived, set the dy/dt to zero.
Private Fields
int Method
int Oversampling
- 1: Euler
double dt
- number of substeps to take, default is 1
dt is the time step, which can vary from call to call if we want.
Private Methods
void RungeKutta4(double h, VectorND& y, A &x)
void Euler(double h, VectorND& y, A &x)
the d(state)/dt from an external class
virtual ~Integrator()
void SetMethod(int m)
void SetOversampling(int o)
void Setdt(double h)
void MakeIntegration(double dt, VectorND& y, A &x)
virtual VectorND dydt(double t, VectorND y, A &)
- If it is not derived, set the dy/dt to zero.
void RungeKutta4(double h, VectorND& y, A &x)
void Euler(double h, VectorND& y, A &x)
int Method
int Oversampling
- 1: Euler
double dt
- number of substeps to take, default is 1
dt is the time step, which can vary from call to call if we want.
- dt is the time step, which can vary from call to call if we want.
- Direct child classes:
- RigidBody_Integrator
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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