template<class A> class Integrator

the d(state)/dt from an external class


Public Methods

[more] Integrator()
[more]virtual ~Integrator()
[more]void SetMethod(int m)
[more]void SetOversampling(int o)
[more]void Setdt(double h)
[more]void MakeIntegration(double dt, VectorND& y, A &x)

Protected Methods

[more]virtual VectorND dydt(double t, VectorND y, A &)
If it is not derived, set the dy/dt to zero.

Private Fields

[more]int Method
[more]int Oversampling
1: Euler
[more]double dt
number of substeps to take, default is 1
[more] dt is the time step, which can vary from call to call if we want.

Private Methods

[more]void RungeKutta4(double h, VectorND& y, A &x)
[more]void Euler(double h, VectorND& y, A &x)


the d(state)/dt from an external class
o Integrator()

ovirtual ~Integrator()

ovoid SetMethod(int m)

ovoid SetOversampling(int o)

ovoid Setdt(double h)

ovoid MakeIntegration(double dt, VectorND& y, A &x)

ovirtual VectorND dydt(double t, VectorND y, A &)
If it is not derived, set the dy/dt to zero.

ovoid RungeKutta4(double h, VectorND& y, A &x)

ovoid Euler(double h, VectorND& y, A &x)

oint Method

oint Oversampling
1: Euler

odouble dt
number of substeps to take, default is 1

o dt is the time step, which can vary from call to call if we want.
dt is the time step, which can vary from call to call if we want.

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