Public Fields
SigC::Signal0<void> updateCamera
- Signals.
Public Methods
Planet_Display(Camera3D* cam, Scene3D* scn)
- Constructor/destructor
void initgl()
- OpenGL related functions
void setupgl()
void drawgl()
Private Fields
Scene3D* scene3D
Camera3D* camera
- Pointer to scene.
gdouble basex
- A pointer to the camera associated to this GtkGLDisplay
gdouble basey
Private Methods
virtual void realize_impl()
- take over some impl methods
virtual gint motion_notify_event_impl(GdkEventMotion*)
virtual gint button_press_event_impl(GdkEventButton*)
virtual gint button_release_event_impl(GdkEventButton*)
virtual gint expose_event_impl(GdkEventExpose* expose)
virtual gint configure_event_impl(GdkEventConfigure* event)
Scene3D* scene3D
Camera3D* camera
- Pointer to scene. Needed for drawgl();
gdouble basex
- A pointer to the camera associated to this GtkGLDisplay
gdouble basey
virtual void realize_impl()
- take over some impl methods
virtual gint motion_notify_event_impl(GdkEventMotion*)
virtual gint button_press_event_impl(GdkEventButton*)
virtual gint button_release_event_impl(GdkEventButton*)
virtual gint expose_event_impl(GdkEventExpose* expose)
virtual gint configure_event_impl(GdkEventConfigure* event)
Planet_Display(Camera3D* cam, Scene3D* scn)
- Constructor/destructor
void initgl()
- OpenGL related functions
void setupgl()
void drawgl()
SigC::Signal0<void> updateCamera
- Signals.
- This class has no child classes.
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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