class MatrixNM

Matrix of NxM elements (resizable in runtime), with operation overloads for itself, VectorND and scalars

Public Methods

[more] MatrixNM()
Constructors / Destructors
[more] MatrixNM(unsigned int n, unsigned int m)
[more]virtual ~MatrixNM()
[more]void Resize(unsigned int n, unsigned int m)
[more]void makeIdentity(void)
[more]void SetElement(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double val)
[more]double GetElement(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
[more]inline unsigned int GetN(void) const
[more]inline unsigned int GetM(void) const
[more]bool EqualSize(const MatrixNM other) const
[more]MatrixNM Transpose() const
[more]void SetRow(unsigned int i, const VectorND row)
The user must take care on vectors lengths, to match matrix size
[more]void SetColumn(unsigned int j, const VectorND col)
[more]VectorND GetRow(unsigned int row) const
[more]VectorND GetColumn(unsigned int col) const
[more]void SetValues(const double* v)
[more]void Out(char* c) const
Handle with care.
[more]int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)
[more]string strGetLine(istrstream& ifstr) const
[more]inline MatrixNM& operator=(const MatrixNM& other)
Operator overloads
[more]MatrixNM operator+(const MatrixNM& other) const
[more]MatrixNM& operator+=(const MatrixNM& other)
[more]MatrixNM operator-(const MatrixNM& other) const
[more]MatrixNM& operator -=(const MatrixNM& other)
[more]MatrixNM operator-()
[more]MatrixNM operator/(const double other) const
[more]MatrixNM& operator/=(const double other)
[more]MatrixNM operator*(const double other) const
[more]MatrixNM& operator*=(const double other)
[more]MatrixNM operator *(const MatrixNM& other) const
[more]VectorND operator *(const VectorND& other) const
[more]inline vector< vector<double> > Get_mNM(void) const

Private Fields

[more]vector< vector<double> > mNM


Matrix of NxM elements (resizable in runtime), with operation overloads for itself, VectorND and scalars
o MatrixNM()
Constructors / Destructors

o MatrixNM(unsigned int n, unsigned int m)

ovirtual ~MatrixNM()

ovoid Resize(unsigned int n, unsigned int m)

ovoid makeIdentity(void)

ovoid SetElement(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double val)

odouble GetElement(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const

oinline unsigned int GetN(void) const

oinline unsigned int GetM(void) const

obool EqualSize(const MatrixNM other) const

oMatrixNM Transpose() const

ovoid SetRow(unsigned int i, const VectorND row)
The user must take care on vectors lengths, to match matrix size

ovoid SetColumn(unsigned int j, const VectorND col)

oVectorND GetRow(unsigned int row) const

oVectorND GetColumn(unsigned int col) const

ovoid SetValues(const double* v)

ovoid Out(char* c) const
Handle with care. Must be N*M=lenght, v[lenght].

oint ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)

ostring strGetLine(istrstream& ifstr) const

oinline MatrixNM& operator=(const MatrixNM& other)
Operator overloads

oMatrixNM operator+(const MatrixNM& other) const

oMatrixNM& operator+=(const MatrixNM& other)

oMatrixNM operator-(const MatrixNM& other) const

oMatrixNM& operator -=(const MatrixNM& other)

oMatrixNM operator-()

oMatrixNM operator/(const double other) const

oMatrixNM& operator/=(const double other)

oMatrixNM operator*(const double other) const

oMatrixNM& operator*=(const double other)

oMatrixNM operator *(const MatrixNM& other) const

oVectorND operator *(const VectorND& other) const

oinline vector< vector<double> > Get_mNM(void) const

ovector< vector<double> > mNM

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