class Joystick

Public Methods

[more] Joystick()
[more] ~Joystick()
[more]void InitJS(void)
[more]void readJS(void)
[more]void closeJS(void)
[more]void SetDisplayStatus(bool d)
[more]void SetDevice(char* d)
[more]void SetCalib(char* c)
Set Device file name for the joystick
[more]float GetAxisCoeffNZ(int n)
Set Calibration file
[more]int GetButtonState(int b)

Private Fields

[more]js_data_struct jsd
If you plan to open more joysticks you need a jsd structure for each one
[more]char* device
[more]char* calib
Device file name for the joystick
[more]bool DisplayStatus
Calibration file


o Joystick()

o ~Joystick()

ovoid InitJS(void)

ovoid readJS(void)

ovoid closeJS(void)

ovoid SetDisplayStatus(bool d)

ovoid SetDevice(char* d)

ovoid SetCalib(char* c)
Set Device file name for the joystick

ofloat GetAxisCoeffNZ(int n)
Set Calibration file

oint GetButtonState(int b)

ojs_data_struct jsd
If you plan to open more joysticks you need a jsd structure for each one

ochar* device

ochar* calib
Device file name for the joystick

obool DisplayStatus
Calibration file

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