class View2D

Public Methods

[more] View2D()
[more] ~View2D()
[more]void SetSizes(int w, int h)
[more]Object2D* getObject2D(unsigned int i)
inline void glVertex2D(const Vector2D &v) const { glVertex2f(real2pixmap_x(vx()),real2pixmap_y(vy())); }
[more]inline void glVertex2D(const Vector2D &v) const
[more]inline void glRasterPos2D(const Vector2D &v) const
[more]void glClipPlaneV2D(GLenum plane, const Vector2D &n, const Vector2D &P) const
[more]inline Vector2D real2pixmap(const Vector2D &v) const
[more]inline Vector2D real2pixmapVector(const Vector2D &v) const
[more]void SetOrthoGL() const
[more]void UnSetOrthoGL() const
[more]void glInit()
[more]void glDraw()
[more]int LoadXML(char* file_name)
Load an View2D from a XML file
[more]int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)

Private Fields

[more]int width
[more]int height
[more]vector<Line2D> line2d
[more]vector<Lines2D> lines2d
[more]vector<Text2D> text2d
[more]vector<Object2D> object2d
[more]FontManager* fontmanager
[more]float D
HUD stuff
[more]float Cview

Private Methods

[more]int real2pixmap_x(double x) const
origin of coordinates is bottom centered
[more]int real2pixmap_y(double y) const
[more]double pixmap2real_x(int x) const
[more]double pixmap2real_y(int y) const
[more]inline float pixel2mrad(float x) const


o View2D()

o ~View2D()

ovoid SetSizes(int w, int h)

oObject2D* getObject2D(unsigned int i)
inline void glVertex2D(const Vector2D &v) const { glVertex2f(real2pixmap_x(vx()),real2pixmap_y(vy())); }

oinline void glVertex2D(const Vector2D &v) const

oinline void glRasterPos2D(const Vector2D &v) const

ovoid glClipPlaneV2D(GLenum plane, const Vector2D &n, const Vector2D &P) const

oinline Vector2D real2pixmap(const Vector2D &v) const

oinline Vector2D real2pixmapVector(const Vector2D &v) const

ovoid SetOrthoGL() const

ovoid UnSetOrthoGL() const

ovoid glInit()

ovoid glDraw()

oint LoadXML(char* file_name)
Load an View2D from a XML file

oint ParseXML(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur)

oint width

oint height

ovector<Line2D> line2d

ovector<Lines2D> lines2d

ovector<Text2D> text2d

ovector<Object2D> object2d

oFontManager* fontmanager

oint real2pixmap_x(double x) const
origin of coordinates is bottom centered

oint real2pixmap_y(double y) const

odouble pixmap2real_x(int x) const

odouble pixmap2real_y(int y) const

ofloat D
HUD stuff

ofloat Cview

oinline float pixel2mrad(float x) const

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